Latin: Pandion haliaetus
Learn more about the birds we see in Maine!
Terns on Jenny Island
Hog Island Audubon Camp has been a destination for educators, families, teens, birdwatchers, and ornithologists for over 80 years. Since opening in 1936, Hog Island Audubon Camp has been on the forefront of birding and nature programming. With a bird list of over 200 species, Hog Island is a special place where Black Guillemots lap the island and you go to sleep to the sound of Common Loon cries. It is also the home to Rachel and Steve, a pair of Osprey that have become popular via an explore.org partnership. We hope you will be inspired to join us on Hog Island for a life-changing experience!
National Audubon Society’s Seabird Restoration Program is proud to continue the tradition of manufacturing bird conservation decoys thanks to the generous donation of the Mad River Decoy business by its founders, Jim and Nancy Henry.
The Atlantic Puffin is a small, pigeon-sized seabird which lives on the open ocean throughout the majority of the year.
After surviving owl, wasp, and eagle attacks, the tough young bird is mending an injured wing at an Audubon rehab center in Florida.
Arctic Terns nest on Matinicus Rock, Seal Island National Wildlife Refuge, and Eastern Egg Rock.
Common Eiders (Somateria mollissima) are large sea ducks that breed from Maine north to the Arctic.
The Leach's Storm-petrel is a small and secretive resident of Eastern Egg Rock.
We have some of the most brilliant ornithologists, authors, artists, and educators as part of our staff.
Learn more about our birding and nature camp sessions for adults, teens, and families.